May 28, 2012

My Heart Aches for you

If you ever Watched this movie (White Snake), You will know which part is this conversation between Xu Xian and SusuIt's so touchin' me ,.... i swear,'s so romantic.... ^_^
So here we go,....

Xu Xian:
"You're suffering,....
I don't recognize you
But for some reasons i don't understand,...
When i see you shedding tears
My heart aches for you,....."

Susu :
"Don't be upset,.. i don't want you to cry
I'll cry for both of us..
I don't mind that you've forgotten me
My own memories are enough
Before i first met you,..
I meditated for a thousand years
But those Thousand years were worth less than a moment with you...
You'll never know... how I've had to suffer...
But even if i die
I'll have no regrets......"


Muhammad Baiquni said...

Momen tentang cinta memang selalu menyentuh.

Dialog siluman ular putih membuat saya haru sekaligus iri: masih adakah cinta yang sebesar itu di dunia ini?

Unknown said...

iya nie,.....
Moga kisah Cintaku dan cintanya bisa seperti ini (cinta yg penuh ketulusan dan pengorbanan ^_^